A community fundraising event

A community fundraising event

As part of a diverse program, the participants of the program took a significant part in running the event, the event took place in two spaces.

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A workshop for group decision-making

A workshop for group decision-making

Providing tools to make decisions in the group so that each participant's voice is given a place in making the decision. Facilitator Chen Zvi in collaboration with and on the initiative of 'Sustaining Community'

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Theater window

Theater window

Making stage professions accessible to neighborhood children

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Eid al-Banat holiday

Eid al-Banat holiday

Girls' holiday with the Tendo sisters in a festive and connecting musical evening - the event in collaboration with the Zoharot program in the community and all Israel friends

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Kabbalat Shabbat

Kabbalat Shabbat

The 'Meketz' case in connection with the climate crisis with Yonatan Eikenbaum, CEO of Greenpeace, in collaboration with 'Khal Yisrael Komleif' and 'Kahilah Mekemah

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Tu Bishvat Community Events, Shavuot

Tu Bishvat Community Events, Shavuot

The Pardes Association organizes and leads two community events a year together with residents, municipal and community officials. The purpose of the events is to create connections and cohesion between the communities

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Women's leadership meeting

Women's leadership meeting

Event of a women's leadership meeting in South Tel Aviv with a group of women from Lod

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A tribute event for volunteers

A tribute event for volunteers

A tribute event for volunteers in 2006 in collaboration with the Shapira Community Center

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Funding event in 2004/05

Funding event in 2004/05

To break the routine a bit after a long period of closure, we held a Mimona Zoom event, where residents and activists from the community shared how they used to celebrate the traditional event at home and in the community

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